
In the graphic arts industry, the PDF format offers countless advantages, among which are the following:

  • It can integrate any combination of text (including all typographic fonts), vector graphics and images. This means there is no delay due to the oversight of attaching files or mistaking types.
  • It is a multiplatform, that is, it can work with the main operating sistems (Windows, Unix/Linux or Mac), without modifying neither the aspect nor the structure of the original document.
  • It is the standard ISO (ISO 19005-1:2005) for the preservation of electronic files.

Gráficas Piquer works with a constant workflow that automates the PDF files verification and informs the client of the possible errors. In that event, we also offer instructions for the correct creation of a PDF file from the main graphic design programs.

Pre-press Protocol

Our clients can find the necessary instructions to have their works printed in the fastest and most effective way, avoiding lapses in the creation of the files.

Creating a PDF from Freehand

Here you will find a PDF with step-by-step instructions to create a PDF from FreeHand.

Creating a PDF from Indesing

Here you will find a PDF with step-by-step instructions to create a PDF from InDesign.